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Dr. Anantharaj Sengeni
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur
Associate of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru
Office: FB-436, Faculty Building, IIT Kanpur

Wonder what we do (for fun)?


Well, picture this: we're orchestrating a high-stakes dance of electrons across interfaces. It's like a complex performance where, instead of applause, our reward is a deeper understanding of the science behind electron transfer!


Join us as we juggle electrons and turn science into a spectacle!

Fundamental Electrochemistry
Cy 1_edited.png
RI 1.png
Electroanalytical Chemistry
2e- Oxygen Electrochemistry
RI3 b.png
4e- Oxygen Electrochemistry
Anodization for Self-Supported Catalysts & MOR
Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion Electrocatalysis
And Many More................

Copyright @LEE, IIT Kanpur, 2024

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